Review: Itachi Shinden Spinoff Novels

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English Version 

 Itachi Shinden Spinoff Novels  
The Naruto stage program held at the Jump Festa event on Saturday in Tokyo announced that the Itachi Shinden (The True Legend of Itachi) spinoff novels will get a TV anime adaptation starting in spring 2016. The official Naruto Movie Twitter account confirmed the news.
TV Tokyo revealed a main visual for the anime featuring the text "In Spring 2016, the Truth arc starts."
TV Tokyo also revealed that the title of the anime will be Naruto Shippūden: Itachi Shinden-hen ~Hikari to Yami~ (Naruto Shippūden: The True Legend of Itachi Volume ~Light and Darkness~).
Shueisha released author Takashi Yano's Itachi Shinden novel in two parts. The Itachi Shinden: Kōmyō-hen (The True Legend of Itachi: Glory Volume, pictured below left) novel shipped on September 4, and the Itachi Shinden: Anya-hen (The True Legend of Itachi: Dark Night Volume, pictured below right) novel shipped on October 2.
Amazon described the first novel as follows:
Itachi Uchiha, age four. After seeing what occurs on the battlefield up close, he makes a certain decision. He decided that he would change the world. The dream that Itachi aimed for. His dream: A Hokage from the Uchiha clan, and a future where those he loved could live in peace. His time in the ninja academy, his meeting with Shisui, becoming a Genin, Chunin, and finally a member of the Anbu... Itachi ran straight down a path of glory, not knowing that a cruel darkness was spreading...
This is the story of the glory, frustration, and determination of the ninja called a genius.
And it described the second novel as follows:
Along with his sworn friend Shisui, Itachi undertakes an assassination mission to take out spies in order to join the Anbu. In addition, the rivalry between the Uchiha clan and the village becomes even more furious, and it finally causes the death of a friend. Having lost all hope in his clan and village, along with gaining a new eye and making a certain decision, Itachi walks into the night of tragedy. The kind yet cruel truth of the dream and hope he left to his brother... is revealed here.
Itachi Shinden and Sasuke Shinden were the first two installments in the Naruto Shinden (Naruto True Legend) novel series. Sasuke Shinden (The True Legend of Sasuke) shipped in November.
Shueisha previously published six Naruto epilogue novels earlier this year: Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, Akatsuki Hiden, Gaara Hiden, Sakura Hiden, and Konoha Hiden.
Viz Media has licensed the first three epilogue novels — Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, and Sakura Hiden — for English release in North America.


   Indonesian version:

  Itachi Shinden spin-off Novel
 Program tahap Naruto diadakan pada acara Jump Festa hari Sabtu di Tokyo mengumumkan bahwa Itachi Shinden (The Legenda Sejati Itachi) novel spin-off akan mendapatkan TV anime adaptasi awal di musim semi 2016. akun Naruto Film Twitter resmi mengkonfirmasi berita tersebut.TV Tokyo mengungkapkan visual utama untuk anime yang menampilkan teks "Dalam musim semi 2016, Kebenaran busur dimulai."TV Tokyo juga mengungkapkan bahwa judul anime Naruto Shippuden akan: Itachi Shinden-hen ~ Hikari untuk Yami ~ (Naruto Shippuden: The Legend of Benar Itachi Volume ~ Cahaya dan Kegelapan ~).Shueisha dirilis penulis Takashi Yano Itachi Shinden baru dalam dua bagian. Itachi Shinden: Komyo-hen (The Legenda Sejati Itachi: Glory Volume, digambarkan di bawah kiri) Novel dikirim pada tanggal 4 September, dan Itachi Shinden: Anya-hen (The Legenda Sejati Itachi: Dark Volume Malam, digambarkan di bawah kanan) Novel dikirimkan pada 2 Oktober.Amazon menggambarkan novel pertama sebagai berikut:

Itachi Uchiha, usia empat. Setelah melihat apa yang terjadi di medan perang dari dekat, ia membuat keputusan tertentu. Dia memutuskan bahwa ia akan mengubah dunia. Mimpi yang Itachi bertujuan untuk. Mimpinya: A Hokage dari klan Uchiha, dan masa depan di mana orang-orang yang dicintai bisa hidup dalam damai. Waktunya di akademi Ninja, pertemuannya dengan Shisui, menjadi Genin, Chunin, dan akhirnya anggota dari Anbu ... Itachi berlari lurus ke bawah jalan kemuliaan, tidak tahu bahwa kegelapan kejam menyebar ...

Ini adalah kisah tentang kemuliaan, frustrasi, dan penentuan ninja disebut jenius.Dan itu menggambarkan novel kedua sebagai berikut:

Seiring dengan temannya dilantik Shisui, Itachi melakukan misi pembunuhan untuk mengambil mata-mata dalam rangka untuk bergabung dengan Anbu. Selain itu, persaingan antara klan Uchiha dan desa menjadi lebih marah, dan akhirnya menyebabkan kematian seorang teman. Setelah kehilangan semua berharap di klan dan desanya, bersama dengan mendapatkan mata baru dan membuat keputusan tertentu, Itachi berjalan ke dalam malam tragedi. Jenis namun kebenaran yang kejam dari mimpi dan berharap dia meninggalkan saudaranya ... terungkap di sini.Itachi Shinden dan Sasuke Shinden dua pertama angsuran di Naruto Shinden (Naruto Benar Legenda) seri novel. Sasuke Shinden (The Legenda Sejati Sasuke) dikirimkan pada bulan November.Shueisha sebelumnya diterbitkan enam novel epilog Naruto awal tahun ini: Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, Akatsuki Hiden, Gaara Hiden, Sakura Hiden, dan Konoha Hiden.Viz Media memiliki lisensi tiga pertama novel epilog - Kakashi Hiden, Shikamaru Hiden, dan Sakura Hiden - untuk rilis bahasa Inggris di Amerika Utara.

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